Monday, August 2, 2010

the last week

Well we survived back to school shopping with relatively NO fighting amongst the girls and I cannot state enough how happy that makes me. I was really amazed at how supportive they were of one another. Shopping took a totally different turn in what it has been in the past...I am thankful for that. I always enjoy spending time with my girls, can't say that it doesn't make it that much more fun when they are getting along too!

This is the last week of calm before school starts. The calm before the storm! YIKES!!

I'm praying that God will put into their lives teachers that will impact their lives in a positive way.

Morgan entering High School scares the crap out of me. So not only am I praying for positive impact of her teachers; but I am also praying for her safety, praying for her to make good solid choices with respect to friends, her body, sex, drugs, and boys. She has a good head on her shoulders and I can attribute that to God and guiding her. Jason and I will have to work harder than ever to keep her on the right path during these years.

Madyson entering 7th grade, my biggest fear with her is friends. I pray that she is able to continue to make good choices when it comes to selecting her friends.

Meredith will be going into 5th grade this year! I pray that she has a better year this year than she did last year with being more self confident and making friends that will not be caddy. She had a difficult time last year with feeling accepted by her peers.

Admittidly, we have been slacking in attending church on a regular basis...we will have to change this! I really believe that keeping the girls surrounded by those that believe the same things that we believe will not only strengthen their believe, but also keep them on the path that God would have them to be on. Keep us accountable for raising the gifts that He has given to us in a way that He would have us.

In addition to back to school shopping this past week, we had a flurry of doctors appointments for the girls. I'm happy to say that everyone is in good health and all received good reports at the doctor. Meredith had her nose cauterized in hopes that she will be free of nosebleeds for quite some time!

I also had to get my head in the game for August during this past week for myself. I had decided that August was going to be the time that I get my nutrition back on track. I have slowly been gaining weight (I guess not all that slowly really) and I don't like that! So knowing that I am the only one that can change what I put into my mouth I am committing to making healthy choices.

Yesterday being day 1, I did pretty good. I am going to be journaling my food, but I don't think I'll be committing to logging it on here every day. (As I type this there is a segment called "The Cheater's Diet")I haven't been very good at getting on here anyway and I have to do something that I am going to do everyday. What I am hoping is that I develop a habit that doesn't disappear in 2 wks. that it is 11 o'clock, maybe perhaps my girls should join me in the land of the living/productive :)

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